Best Bully Sticks provides high-quality, all-natural bully sticks, dog treats, and dog chews. Our bully sticks and other products come from livestock and are crafted into totally natural, protein-rich dog treats and chews. Unlike chemically treated rawhides that promote bacteria growth and can present a choking hazard, bully sticks are hygienic and durable.
Best Bully Sticks provides high-quality, all-natural bully sticks, dog treats, and dog chews. Our bully sticks and other products come from livestock and are crafted into totally natural, protein-rich dog treats and chews. Unlike chemically treated rawhides that promote bacteria growth and can present a choking hazard, bully sticks are hygienic and durable.
Knowing whether or not you have enough money to adopt your first dog (or another dog) can be hard to figure out. To help you out, we have compiled a quick guide that will help you figure out how to budget for a dog and how much money you should be prepared to spend. Keep in mind that there are many other factors that will affect these costs, including the size of your dog, their age, their breed, and the cost of living in your region.
Start-Up Costs
Adoption or breeder fee: This can vary anywhere from $0 to get a puppy from an unexpected litter to $2,000+ to purchase a rare breed of dog from a breeder. Adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue usually caps out at about $600, but may be less.
Collar, leash, and ID tags: These cost anywhere between $20 and $70 depending on how many and what quality you buy. Keep in mind that you will have to replace the collar and leash several times during the first year as your dog grows rapidly. After they reach their full size, you won’t have to replace them as often.
Crate and dog bed: A dog bed costs between $20 and $50 depending on the size, while a dog crate costs anywhere between $50 and $300 depending on the size and style.
Food and water bowls: These cost between $20 and $40 for a set.
First year vet visits and vaccinations: Your puppy needs a lot of healthcare during their first year. Between routine vet visits, getting vaccinations, and spaying or neutering, you will spend anywhere between $150 and $800.
Ongoing Annual Expenses
Food: This varies a lot depending on how much your dog eats and whether or not they must stick to a special diet. The costs can range anywhere between $150 and $750 for a whole year.
Treats: This costs between $10 and $50 a year for most dogs. Getting dog treats on salewill help keep costs down.
Toys: Some dogs are more destructive, necessitating their toys to be replaced at a faster rate. Most dog owners spend between $25 and $100 on toys a year.
Vet exam: Annual vet care goes down after the first year, but it will cost you around $100 to $250 for semi-annual check-ups. If your dog needs additional healthcare, this number goes up.
Parasite prevention: This essential preventative care costs between $50 and $100 per dog per year.
Teeth cleaning: Unfortunately, getting your dog’s teeth professionally cleaned also necessitates anesthesia, which results in a price tag of $300 to $700 for a routine cleaning. Any additional dental care will cost more on top of this.
Grooming and bathing supplies: If you plan to groom your dog at home, which is more cost effective, you will need to spend $25 to $100 on brushes, clippers, and other supplies. Bathing supplies will run you an additional $25 to $150.
Optional Services
Grooming: If you decide not to groom your dog at home, then trips to the groomer can cost you up to $500 a year, depending on how often you go and what services you choose.
Training classes: Obedience classesare one of the best investments you can make in your dog. They usually cost between $100 and $150 for a group course, or about the same amount for a session with a private trainer.
Pet sitting or boarding: If you are planning to go on vacation, boarding your dog or getting a pet sitter will cost you between $0 (if you have a friend willing to do it for free) or $25 to $50 a day for a professional service.
Dog walking and doggie daycare: Having a dog walker come to your home usually costs $25 per visit. A doggie daycare will vary between $30 and $40 for a full day, but they often offer discounts for weekly or monthly packages.
In addition to these expenses, you should be prepared for other emergency one-off situations. For instance, surgery after an accident or treatment for cancer can cost you up to $5,000. You might also need to pay for other unforeseen pet expenses, such as medications or replacing damaged furniture that your dog has chewed. You may also wish to make other purchases, such as getting your dog a dog treat subscription boxor clothing and accessories, to shower them in even more love.
If you’re looking to save money in your dog budget, check out our dog treat coupon pagefor current discounts. If you’re looking to spoil your dog, then consider our dog treat sample box, which includes new treats every month for them to try. And, of course, don’t forget to shop the rest of our affordable dog treat offerings!