Click to find the perfect New Puppy Checklist from Best Bully Sticks! We breakdown all of the essentials you need before you bring home your new puppy.
As a dog owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure your dog is getting the necessary nutrition and supplements for maximum wellness. Supplements like collagen can promote healthy bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, fur, and nail growth for your dog.
Dry, itchy skin can leave your dog feeling miserable and you going crazy over your dog’s incessant scratching. All this scratching can be unbearable to watch and give you the itches.
If you’re making a sandwich or packing a lunch, it can be tempting to give your dog a slice of cheese. But is cheese safe for dogs to eat? The short answer is yes! However, you should always be aware that not all kinds of cheese are safe for dogs to eat, so it’s important to learn what you can and can’t give your pet.
When dealing with a dog or a new puppy, it can be difficult to determine when is the best time of day to feed your dog. Should you feed your dog once or twice a day? Should you always keep food in their bowl and allow your dog to graze? While there are no hard and fast rules, learn more about what’s generally recommended by veterinarians as to what time of day is best to feed your dog.
The 4th of July is almost here, a time of celebration, BBQ’s, and fireworks as we celebrate the nation’s birthday. But for many dogs, the holiday is a time of stress and anxiety as the loud noises and explosions cause fear. Check out our tips for keeping your pet calm during the festivities.